How to Download an Image From Instagram on Mac UPDATED Free

How to Download an Image From Instagram on Mac

Instagram is a mecca of inspiration so information technology'southward no surprise that yous desire to acquire how to save Instagram photos on your PC or Mac.

Only since Instagram does not allow users to salvage images direct to their computers (due to copyright regulation), you've probably found yourself taking a multi-step process to salvage your images.

Whether you're a make that needs to salvage UGC photos for reposting, or an Instagram user who loves keeping a folder of their favourite photos, hither'south how to save Instagram photos on PC or Mac when double tapping or your saved photos binder just isn't enough!

How to Save Instagram Photos on PC or Mac:

In that location are 4 dissimilar ways to save Instagram photos on PC or Mac.

  1. Taking a screenshot
  2. Searching via folio source
  3. Using Sked Social'south Chrome extension
  4. Saving your own Instagram photos

Method #1: Taking a Screenshot

If size or resolution isn't an issue for you, the easiest mode to relieve or capture an Instagram image to your PC or Mac is by taking a screenshot.

For PC:

The most user-friendly fashion of taking a screenshot of your Instagram epitome on PC is using Windows' Snipping Tool . Follow these steps to showtime screenshotting like a pro!

How to Save Instagram Photos on PC - Sked Social

  1. Navigate to your Instagram photo inside your desktop browser.
  2. Open the Snipping Tool on your PC. Yous can detect it by selecting the 'Starting time' butting and typing 'Snipping Tool' into the Windows 10 search bar.
  3. Adapt your Snipping 'Mode' then click 'New' in the carte du jour toolbar.
  4. Select the area of the prototype you want to snip.
  5. Afterwards capturing your snip, select the 'Salve Snip' push.
  6. In the Relieve As box, type a file name, location, and type, and continue by clicking Save.

For Mac:

  1. Navigate to your Instagram photo inside your desktop browser.
  2. Agree down Shift + Control + 4
  3. Drag to select the area of the epitome y'all need to capture.
  4. Afterwards taking a screenshot, find the image saved as a .png file on your desktop.

Method #2: Searching Via Folio Source

If you want to salve Instagram photos at the highest resolution possible, saving via your browser'southward Folio Source is your best selection.

Here's how it'southward done:

How to Save Instagram Photos on PC or Mac - Sked Social

  1. Navigate to the Instagram photo y'all want to save in your browser.
  2. Click the "…" at the top correct of the photograph.
  3. Click 'Copy Link'
  4. Enter the link in your browser's window and printing Enter/Render
  5. Admission Chrome's Page Source by clicking View > Developer > View Source in Chrome.

How To Save Instagram Photo -PC or Mac - View Source - Sked Social      6. In the 'View Source' window pane, click CTRL + F (PC) or Command + F (Mac) and paste or type in ".jpg"
     7. The offset URL to announced is usually the image you're want to save (highlighted below). But you may need to apply trial and error.
     eight. Re-create and paste the URL into another tab/window to produce a window with the image.
     9. Right-click on the image and salve it to your PC or Mac.

How To Save Instagram Photo -PC or Mac - Copy URL - Sked Social

Method #3: Using Sked'south Chrome Extension

When y'all need to salve Instagram photos to repost them for your user-generated content (UGC) campaign, the nearly efficient way to practise then is using Sked Social's Regram Chrome extension.

Sked Social Regram allows Sked Social users.

Follow these steps to start levelling up your regram skills:

  1. After signing upwardly for a Sked Social account or costless trial, open your Chrome browser and download the extension hither.  ( )
  2. Click the 'Add together to Chrome' button and approve any browser prompts.
  3. Click the Sked Social Regram icon in your Chrome extension toolbar and sign in using your Sked Social account credentials.
  4. Navigate to the Instagram image link you want to regram and click Sked'southward Regram icon.
  5. Enter your new caption in the caption box

How to Save Instagram Photos on PC or Mac with Sked Social - Sked Social      6. If you wish, you can hide hashtags in the First Comment box.
     vii. 'Queue', 'Schedule' or send your post to 'Drafts' automatically. Notation: Before queuing your posts, be sure that your queue posts have been set upwards in Sked Social.

     8. Click 'Submit Post'

Too this, you tin also use the 'Upload from Instagram URL' option on Sked Social to regram images.

Method #4: Saving Your Own Instagram Photos

If you want to relieve your own Instagram photos to your PC or Mac, the process is simple and quick, but requires you to enable a feature within the Instagram app earlier posting.

  1. Log in to your Instagram business relationship from your mobile phone.
  2. Tap on your user icon in the lower right corner.
  3. Tap the hamburger icon in the height right corner.
  4. Striking the Settings menu, in the lower right corner.
  5. Click 'Account'
  6. Enable 'Relieve Original Photos' by toggling the option to the right.

Enabling this feature automatically saves every photo to your phone in a separate anthology named, 'Instagram'.

Over to You

If you want to learn how to salve Instagram photos on PC or Mac, yous're non lone! From UGC campaigns to shoutouts or simply plain-simple inspiration, the methods discussed above put you on the right track for success.

Sked Social, in particular, makes it easier to regram photos and credit them to relieve y'all precious time.

Interested in trying out Sked Social? Sign up right here to salvage 5+ hours every calendar week.

How to Download an Image From Instagram on Mac UPDATED Free

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